Accept Hidden Identities to Beat Writer’s Block for Good

Stop seeing a creative block as a matter of productivity

Florian Fuehren
The Startup


Your writer’s block could have many reasons, but your identity is probably the most fundamental one. Once you’ve accepted, or rather chosen, your particular self-image and it has stopped you, picking up that pen will require more than a fresh blog post idea.

Here’s how you might run into this problem and a little personal insight, including my antidotes.

You may think that you’re a writer; therefore, you write. But actually, it’s more complicated.

Many of the activities and occupations involving writing come with a completely different set of requirements, thus matching varying personality types. A marathoner needs different skills and muscle types than a sprinter or a soccer player, but they all run.

Equally, a political speechwriter has to master rhetoric and grammar just as a novelist does. But admittedly, their workdays differ on all levels except writing. And sometimes, even their writing setup will vary drastically.

Not every novelist needs to be politically engaged, and a speech makes different demands on stylistic devices than fiction does. Hammering home honed hyperboles isn’t what keeps a novel reader turning the pages.



Florian Fuehren
The Startup

I ghostwrite educational email courses for SaaS companies. Recovering tech nerd. RWTH graduate (Ph.D.).