Accept Your Current Situation As If You Had Chosen It

Make life your friend, not your enemy

Kerry Needs
The Startup


Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

I was always a person that used to rage inwardly about a situation I didn’t like. Much like a petulant child, if life wasn’t going exactly my way I would feel angry, miserable, or just frustrated.

Whether that was sitting in a 9–5 office job I didn’t like, or being held back due to some health situation, or someone unexpectedly leaving my life — things were not fully under my control, and well, I just didn’t like it.

However, there is a technique I have started to employ in recent months which not only brings a sense of peace, but has been pretty transformative when it comes to finding a new sense of control in whatever is going on in my life at that time. It comes from Eckhart Tolle’s ‘The Power of Now’:

Accept each moment as if you had chosen it.

We think we have control over our lives, but we don’t. We only have a tiny locus of control — what we think and feel, what we say, and what we do.

We have control over ourselves and how we show up in the world — the rest is seemingly out of our reach.

We can’t control events, or how other people react to what we think, feel, say or do.



Kerry Needs
The Startup

Freelance Copywriter | Experiments in #lifestyledesign, #productivity and #flow. Occasional #poet. Get in touch: