Accessing Google APIs From Your Server-Side Web Application Using OAuth 2.0

Simon Saliba
The Startup
Published in
5 min readFeb 12, 2021


In this article, I will guide you through practical example of how to connect to Google APIs from your server-side web application. You will be able to retrieve your user’s Google contacts or calendar events to use them in your application for example, or access their Google drive. This is practical application of the concepts discussed in the introduction to OAuth 2.0.

OAuth used by Google Drive APIs to access files

In the introduction to the OAuth protocol, we have seen the basic steps of an OAuth protocol. Now, it is time to see a practical example of a server-side web application that connects to the Google OAuth 2.0 servers to gain authorization to access private resources from Google Drive. I have chosen Google because the documentation is complete, and readers can refer to it in case they want to deep dive into more details.

In this article, we will see an example of a server-side web application. As we have seen, this type of applications uses the Authorization Code method which is more secure than other Authorization Grant methods. For client-side applications like React applications for example, this method is totally insecure because the network traffic between the application and the Google server is visible to the user. Therefore, Secret keys cannot be included in the web requests.



Simon Saliba
The Startup

Software Engineer, Entrepreneur and Writer. MSc. @ Mines Paris. Passionate about web development and security. Sometimes try to maintain healthy habits.