Swift Programming

How to Add a Map to your App with MapKit and Core Location— iOS Swift Guide

7 steps to add a map with geolocation to your app

Baptiste Montagliani
The Startup
Published in
6 min readMay 6, 2020


Apple offers to developers tools to integrate Geolocation and Map features to their Apps with MapKit and CoreLocation. Initially based on Google Maps service, MapKit now integrates Maps from Apple Maps service.

Here are 7 steps to add a Map to your App and integrate a real-time Geolocation feature. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Privacy

First, user location is a privacy sensitive information. So based on Apple Guidelines, you are required to add an entry for NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription and write a short description of how you intend to use the location data to have access to these informations.

This message will be shown to the user with the authorization request that iOS will send to the user for access to his location informations.

UIAlertView requesting geolocation authorization

Step 2: Design your App Interface

