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Adding a Custom Domain to AWS API Gateway

AWS is all about API development. But one thing that’s harder than it should be is putting an API behind a custom domain.

Allen Helton
Published in
7 min readJan 21, 2021


I am a big fan of side projects. I try to work on one almost every single day.

There are some side projects that get further than others, of course. Some I lose interest in quickly, some serve their purpose and I’m done with, but others I get really excited about. I want to share them with people.

Sure, I can link to my source code in GitHub, but that isn’t always enough. Sometimes I want to share the finished product.

I can share the link to the implementation in a blog post. But by default APIs in AWS have some crazy names. Names that I would consider undiscoverable. Certainly not rememberable.

I want somebody to remember how to get to these projects without finding my blog post. Those projects call for a custom domain.

In AWS, you can purchase domain names at competitive prices (and they don’t jump on you after a year like most providers). The acquisition is easy and even easier to implement it with services like AWS Amplify. I’ve even written about how easy it is when setting up a personal blog.



Allen Helton
The Startup

I am an AWS serverless hero with a strong focus on API design and standardization, event-driven architectures, and software automation.