Adding a space to your iOS App Name

TJ Addams
The Startup
2 min readAug 12, 2019


How to add a space to your display name

There is a cap of sorts for iOS applications where once your display name exceeds 12 characters, it will strip any spaces in it. Go to: build > *The value we want to update is*

There are a lot of posts on StackOverflow about this, however the missed one small detail on how to edit the value.

What we need to do is edit info.plist. You can try this in Xcode but it doesn’t work, you need to use another text editor — in my case I used Visual Studio Code.

Your directory structure may vary, here I am working on a React Native project. Instead of iOS, your root folder may be your project name.

Your application name* > edit info.plist Where the space(s) are, we need to replace the space here with:  

Your CFBundleDisplayName should then look like this:

That is all there is to it! Hope this helps you out.



TJ Addams
The Startup

Docker Certified, DevOps Specialist and Freelance App Developer (React Native and Flutter). Get in touch on twitter: @addamstj