Advice for My Unemployed Friend Trying to Find His Passion

3 things to ask yourself when seeking authenticity

Jamie Jackson
The Startup


Photo by nappy from Pexels

COMEDIAN Mitch Hedberg had a joke that went like this: “At a radio interview the DJ’s first question was ‘Who are you?’ I had to think. Is this guy really deep? Or did I drive to the wrong station?

It’s funny, but if someone asked you that same question, what would you say? Your name? Your job title?

“Who you are isn’t what you do, it’s deeper than that. It’s who are you despite what you do.

Ideally, you want the “who” and the “what” to be as closely aligned as possible. In terms of a Venn diagram, the closer you are to a full circle, the better.

It stands to reason your passion can only express itself if you listen to it and follow its call, that’s how you become the circle.

Sounds simple, right? But you and I both know it isn’t. So does my friend.

He’s just finished working in the same office for 15 years. Like me – and many others – the pandemic dissolved his job, he was made redundant and now he’s staring into the abyss wondering who he really is.

We had a chat on the phone the other day and he asked me if I had any answers.



Jamie Jackson
The Startup

Between two skies and towards the night. // Email me: jamiejacksonati [at] gmail [dot] com