AI Content Specialists Are the Next Phase in the Evolution of Freelance Writing

It’s in a freelancer’s best interest to work with — not against — this rapidly growing technology

Corrie Who Writes
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJan 15, 2023


human and AI robot shaking hands
Image credit: vitaliy_sokol on Depositphotos

Many freelancers are extremely wary of AI writers — they view them as a threat to their livelihood and bristle at the very idea that a machine could ever replace them.

Frankly, I felt the same way when GPT-3 tools entered the scene two years ago. When I started using one in the summer of 2021, it was a “know thy enemy” situation; I wanted to test the software to see what it could and couldn’t do and hoped to console my fears (and ego) that the work I did as a freelancer was still relevant and important.

What I didn’t expect was to love the software. The AI couldn’t write a stellar article on its own, but it became my invaluable sidekick. Suddenly, I was getting projects done in less than half the time, and writer’s block all but vanished.

That’s when I came to understand that AI writers aren’t a threat — they’re an advantage.

Since then, the technology has only continued to become more sophisticated, with ChatGPT and GPT-3.5 creating even better-quality outputs than before. It’s only a matter of time before the use of such tools becomes universal in…



Corrie Who Writes
The Startup

Blogger, YouTuber & AI Content Specialist. FREE Masterclass, AI Content Mastery: FREE Master class: AI Content Mastery: