AI Detectors: The Most Terrifying Threat to Writers Everywhere

And you thought actual AI writing was the problem…

Addey Vaters
The Startup


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

You might see that headline and think I’m click-baiting you. I swear I’m not — I don’t make a habit of trying to scare people, and I generally don’t think framing anything as terrifying is beneficial. But there’s something a lot of writers might not know about, or at the very least something I didn’t know about, that could have truly terrifying implications for writers everywhere.

We all need to be wary of AI detectors.

You’ve probably heard about AI writing and how it’s a potential threat to writers everywhere, but I’ve recently come to the conclusion that AI generators are not the real threat. Sure, they’re a threat, but I’m more concerned with the many AI detectors created to determine whether a person’s writing is written by AI or all human-generated. That’s the real threat because, in my experience, these AI detectors are startlingly inconsistent.

What are AI detectors?

If you’re like me, at least like how I was up until a week ago, you probably have never heard much about AI writing tools, let alone AI detector tools! I’ve dabbled in AI only very recently when I tried out ChatGPT to write a form letter to send to my state senators…



Addey Vaters
The Startup

Writer, reader, cat lover, and tea drinker. Romance novelist in progress. Words in Adroit Journal, Vita Brevis, & others.