AI Is Here to Stay — But It’s Not a Threat to Our Creativity, It’s an Opportunity

AI is the new secret ingredient in creative marketing — it’s not cheating

Buse Umur
The Startup


Imagine you’re sitting in a room with many other talented and famous photographers. You got a lucky ticket to attend the Sony World Photography Awards.

One of its kind, the world’s most prestigious photography event.

You hear the speaker call your name on the stage. The spotlight and all those eyes turn toward you. You’ve just won the most prestigious photography award.

Only to decline it.

When this story happened, and Boris Eldagsen refused his prize; the world was in shock.

Why would he refuse such an important award?

Because his photograph was AI-generated. Instead of capturing his image with light, he did it with prompts.

The Electrician” that won the award

By entering a photography contest with an AI-generated image, Eldagsen wanted to make a point. He raised questions about the role of human creativity in an AI-driven landscape and the ethical concerns behind this new…



Buse Umur
The Startup

all that jazz about marketing, branding, and copywriting