AI Is The New Internet

Derick David
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2020


If 2000s were the internet, 2020s is AI. Here’s why.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence, a branch of computer science, has been discussed around by everyone in the past years, from scientists, programmers, salespeople, and everyday people. Few have the understanding of the technology behind it and little know of its incredible and infinite potential.

Well, look at it this way. Internet at the moment is everywhere, right? In 10 years or less, AI will also be everywhere. From your iPhone, iPad, Macbook, SmartTV, public telescreens, and other devices. AI’s effect on people will be of a much greater magnitude.

People will not be ready. Mark this.

Back in 2018, Cambridge Analytica said,

“Data is a more valuable asset than oil”

Well, one reason AI will be powerful is data. Probably, it’s all because of your data. Your data will be used by the AI in your phone to come up with better results, decisions, and anything basically that you will use for your daily life. AI will be your new persona, best friend, work wife, and marine buddy. AI won’t only be everywhere, but it will also be your everything.



Derick David

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