Am I Too Old To Be Successful?

What do Julius Caesar, Colonel Sanders, and Confucius have in common?

Erik Brown
The Startup


Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

I’ve read through a lot of articles on Medium and Quora. I’ve noticed a recurring question. The question essentially asks, “Am I too old at X age to be successful at Y.”

They may not exactly say the word successful explicitly, but it’s implied. By the nature of their question, the person asking is indicating they think they’re too old to pursue another path in life. They’re too old to do something they think will make them successful.

On its face, it’s a very logical question to ask. When you’re picking up a skill or career at an older age, you’re starting at a deficit. Others have been at it for longer than you. It’s logical to think that the crowd will be far ahead of you. It’s also logical to think that you might never catch up.

Now before I go any further, I’ll exclude the ridiculous. If you’re pushing 50 and have never fought in your life, starting an MMA career is most likely out of the question. The same might go for being an Olympic sprinter at that age.

However, most careers won’t be that unattainable if you’re older and start late. Being a lawyer doesn’t require a specially honed physical body in its prime. The same goes for being a real estate agent or engineer…

