App Development

An App With SCA: SwiftUI

Develop an app with Swift Composable Architecture and SwiftUI

Riccardo Cipolleschi
The Startup
Published in
7 min readSep 15, 2020


At Bending Spoons, we continuously strive to improve our technologies. We recently hit one of the ceilings of our current technology stack, and we decided to explore the surroundings, to understand how we can improve.

We found a promising approach in the Swift Composable Architecture, developed by The focus of their architecture is on composability, testability, modularization, and ergonomy. Thus, they:

  • Start from units of reusable code that can be easily composed.
  • Units of code are trivial to test.
  • The architecture provides utilities to compose, scope, and assemble these units, fostering modularization.
  • All the APIs of the composable architecture are polished to be extremely easy to use.

In this series of episodes, of which this is the first one, I’d like to build an app leveraging this architecture. In today’s article, I’ll tackle the UI.

The composable architecture shines with SwiftUI, the new UI framework birth by Apple, and I’ll use it for the app. A small disclaimer is deserved: this is my first attempt at SwiftUI.



Riccardo Cipolleschi
The Startup

Hey there, I’m Riccardo. Software engineer at Meta. I have a passion for iOS and I love to share my knowledge with others.