Photo by Sticker Mule

An Idea Guy’s Dream Come True

mark smillie
The Startup
Published in
8 min readOct 16, 2019


No Code / Low Code

I’m an idea guy. I come up with ideas for things way faster than I can implement and build them. It’s not that I can’t implement, it’s that the time from idea to full implementation has been stymied by my inability to efficiently code. So, I rely on super smart people to help implement my visions. Fortunately, I’ve been lucky to find smart, smart people to work with and we’ve build some amazing things.

This is changing. A few years ago I started using Webflow to build websites for myself and clients. They have done an amazing job of building out a product that is incredibly powerful while not overly complicating it. Plus they’ve done what Wordpress has wanted to do but could never get to based on it’s own complexity. I have used Wordpress and installed themes and many, many plugins, but it’s like trying to put toothpaste back into a tube. It just has too many layers of buried code. Webflow is simple, flat and incredibly efficient for me to build out a site that is incredibly functional, responsive and interactive without having to write any code.

My point is that Webflow was my first introduction to a “no code” type of environment that allows me to build websites, and now, simple content management systems for my clients really efficiently.

What I’m now seeing happening, literally every day, are new companies and services that are building no code/low code services either as brand new offerings or as additions to their existing services.

A few years ago I imagined a world where we could leverage APIs of various apps and hook them together to build innovative things. Kind of an API meta-layer. An API for APIs. Today we are seeing this happen at scale.

We’re also seeing services (Bubble, Boundless, Glide) starting to pop up that are allowing us to build complicated web apps and apps with no code / low code. When I say web apps or apps, I mean web sites or apps where there is a workflow and stuff happens. Like I can sign up, login, do something, have some service run in the background that makes something else happen and get some kind of result. Uber is a complicated app. is a complicated app. Amazon is complicated. Instagram and Twitter, are less complicated.

Webflow does offer e-commerce and while that’s somewhat complicated, it doesn’t yet really support a true CMS where, for example, I can set up a form to collect information and that information will get loaded into the Webflow CMS, so, for example, if I wanted to build a Yelp clone, I wouldn’t really be able to do that in Webflow today.

The key word here is really. Because, given where we are in the no code / low code revolution. I can build this but it requires a bit of fancy footwork and some tying of services together. I’ll explain:

What’s cool about what’s going on is that there are services like Webflow that offer the foundational aspects of a front-end and back-end (website and database) and then there are services like Zapier and IFThisThenThat that provide the glue, lube and strings to make something like this work. With really no effort what-so-ever, I can set up a Webflow website with a form and CMS that will allow me to collect user submissions (reviews). I can then use Zapier to construct some rules that say, when a new form is submitted in Webflow, take those form fields and add them to my Webflow CMS, and publish that entry so that other users can see the review. (I’m imaging Webflow will eventually permit this on it’s own, but not yet!).

This is but one example of the integration of APIs without the need for any coding on my part. I can also do stuff like integrate a membership feature into Webflow using Memberspace and allow SMS notifications using Google Sheets and Twilio. The ultimate goal here is to combine multiple technologies to produce a workflow using no code to build a fully functional web app/app.

Recently I ran across Glide and oh how the heavens shook! Glide is an amazing no code tool that lets me build a web apps (non-native code) that look and feel like a native apps on my phone. Glide had the genius idea to use Google Sheets as its backend/database and build apps based on what’s in those sheets and how they are organized. (Now if only Glide and Webflow could get together. (heart emoji) That would be quite cool!)

I’m going to show you three Glide Apps I built. I’ve had the ideas for these apps for a while. But haven’t wanted to invest resources in the programming to build an MVP.

Idea 1. Surfaced (An app to help indie musicians get their music exposed).

This idea was based on a conversation that Joe Rogan had with the Black Keys on Joe’s podcast a few weeks ago. (Yo, dudes. Let’s build this!) Basically they were discussing how there is so much good music out there but there’s no way for it to surface above the noise and machine that is Spotify, iTunes, and Pandora. There needs to be some curated effort for this good music to, well, Surface. So I build a SIMPLE app in about an hour.

One basic limitation (and this applies across my efforts to date) with no code / low code is that no code/low can get us about 90% of the way to a fully functional app. I believe this will change over the next few months as communities of no coders demand more complete and functional workflows and systems. But for now let’s just say that that dog don’t quite hunt.

The Surfaced App Allows anyone to sign up and post an artist picture, song (mp4), and notes. Note that you have to have a link to an actual mp4 for it to work (I can’t post a Spotify or Soundcloud link and have it work…the limitation) ((This may be a feature rather than a bug given my purpose for the app.)) What gets submitted could be curated either by the crowd and/or by Dan and Patrick. Users of the app can favorite and comment on the Song/Post.

Idea 2. Verify (An app that allows people who need something verified to post it and pay for a verifier to perform the task)

Verify is a bit more complicated and gets about 80% to what it needs to be with no code.

The idea is to allow someone (the client) to post something that needs verification: “Please check my home for storm damage” and offers payment to perform the service. The verifier can pick what they want to verify, follow the instructions left by the client, take a picture and provide an explanation and then, if the client is satisfied, they’ll release the payment to the Verifier.

I was able to build everything using Glide, and Google Sheets (with some fancy match, index, and lookup formulas on different sheets to get this working). I Haven’t set up the payment process yet, since there needs to be some additional workflow built into the process. i.e. the Client needs to verify that the work has been done and is acceptable prior to payment release. Sort of a second derivative action which may involve some additional “low code!”.

Idea 3. Help A Mom (An app that allows moms in need to ask for help)

This app was more a test for me than my idea. Last Sunday I saw this Tweet:

Could I make #2 happen? Yes. You Betcha!

Help A Mom allows any Mom to post a request for help. And the app then shows others what’s requested and helpers can then respond. It’s like a super Simple “Be My Eyes” (which is a super cool app!). It uses Google Sheets, like the others, and I built it so the sheet will auto add and do a little work to create a “helper” when a new helper signs up. It took me about 30 minutes to create this app.

Each of these MVP Apps took less than a couple hours to build. Something that would have been inconceivable, for me, just a year ago. Tools like Webflow, Glide, Zapier, Google Sheets and Twilio really have enabled me to go from idea to a Minimally Viable Product in incredible record time with no code/low code.

There are still a lot of other tools I am looking to explore, and more being added every day. I’ll see what they can help me accomplish:

  • Bubble: Web apps without engineers
  • Boundless: Boundless is a next-generation web builder that allows you to build an interactive web application without writing any code. Create beautiful pages, save and redisplay user-generated content, and trigger custom workflows.
  • DashDash: The spreadsheet that does more. Much more. Access business data and APIs.
  • UI Bakery: A recent discovery…Build front-end apps based on a custom design system. UI Bakery is a low-code platform that saves you from costly front-end development. (I’ve literally been working with a team building out a project that’s taken 3 months, that, with this, could be built in a week)
  • Makerpad: A great resource for tools and talent. Yo Ben Tossell!

We’re at the beginning of a Cambrian explosion of apps, services, invention and innovation led by idea guys. The idea guys now have a growing basket of tools to easily create what’s in their heads. They’re going to be able to do it quickly and robustly. Meaning, that what is built will work well enough to launch and determine market fit and demand. While the examples I’ve described are minimal in form and function we’re only at the beginning and it’s just going to get better from here. I’m incredibly excited to be a part of this movement!

If you want to chat about building something or ideas about no code/low code, or ideas about anything else. Hit me up: mark smillie

