An Introvert’s Complete Guide to Surviving Christmas Day

10 tips to help introverts balance time being festive, friendly and visible on a day you’d prefer to enjoy reading the book Santa gave you

Paul Gallagher
The Startup


IfIf there is one year that Santa failed me, it was 1977. Between Christmas and Boxing Day, I received no less than THREE identical gifts, namely a copy of the book adapted from the then-newly released blockbuster film: “Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope”.

Mum and Dad gave me the first copy on Christmas morning, and yes — at age 9, I was very happy to receive it — having loved the recent film by George Lucas.

By the time someone gave me a SECOND copy the same day, it was clear Santa had made a mistake in the ordering department.

When I began unwrapping, however, the THIRD copy of “Star Wars, From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker” — in the searing heat (*) of my Grandpa’s front lawn on Boxing Day — Santa had clearly stuffed up!

“Oh how lovely,” my mother jumped in to say as the image of a lightsaber emerged beneath gift paper. “Paul LOVES the film!”

Rather than blaming Santa for stereotyping me so unidirectionally that year, it is fair to make one clear conclusion: I was already by that age— and…



Paul Gallagher
The Startup

Published author (Penguin Random House), writer, editor, speaker, faithful, with MS (pre-miracle). Follow my newsletter: