An Open Source Alternative to Intuit QuickBooks

Luke Wilson
4 min readJun 3, 2023


If you’re looking for any way possible to avoid supporting Intuit, then this might be one. Bigcapital ( is an exciting, new, free, and open-source software that offers small and medium-sized businesses a variety of automated accounting and bookkeeping actions. At the time of writing, there were 731 stars on GitHub, and that number is increasing. We’re just going to casually explore the program, how to use it, the community and support, and its future plans in this article.

The Features

You can analyze business performance in real time using the software’s financial reports. When things are purchased or sold, its inventory management capabilities automatically modify stock levels, and intelligent inventory reports offer insightful data. It offers periodic bills, sales, and purchase invoicing, and effective tracking of customer and vendor payments.

Role-based permissions make it possible to collaborate with accountants and bookkeepers. Additionally, the software provides expenditure tracking, support for multiple currencies, 24/7 assistance, and secure cloud storage for access at any time across devices. Bigcapital also promotes usability for uncomplicated studying and utilization.

Getting Started with Bigcapital

You have two alternatives for getting started with Bigcapital: cloud hosting or self-hosting. It’s important to keep in mind that some technical expertise might be necessary if self-hosting is your preference. To do this, the Bigcapital code must be hosted in a docker container and uploaded to a server like Google Cloud or AWS. The cost of cloud hosting is not yet available because it requires you to fill out a form with your name, email address, and business name. This form is probably used to offer a customized price quote for the hosting and software services.

Community and Support

A dependable support system is crucial for a smooth software experience, and Bigcapital strives to give people assistance. Users can locate a special “support” channel on the main Discord server, which offers customer service. It’s important to note that the Bigcapital staff normally responds within a day, despite some concerns being voiced regarding unanswered queries in this channel. The staff has reportedly provided users with support and direction, ensuring that their questions are answered promptly.

Although the support staff on the Discord server is often responsive and helpful, it is always a good idea to get more details and opinions from the Bigcapital community. You might gain trust and clarification on the type of support offered by looking through their documentation, frequently asked questions, and getting in touch with the Bigcapital team directly through their official contact methods.

Their Roadmap

The information that is currently accessible about Bigcapital’s future plans is scarce and unreliable. The software’s future and upcoming features are not yet clearly stated or publicly announced. The lack of information is made worse by the absence of a functional blog page.

Although the website’s creator alluded to big future plans on the Discord channel, no specifics or release dates have been released.

It may be important to you as a user or potential user to take into account Bigcapital’s uncertain future goals and determine whether that will correspond with your company’s needs and expectations. The Bigcapital team’s upcoming updates may offer further information on the software’s trajectory and prospective development.


With a variety of bookkeeping and accounting features for small and medium-sized enterprises, Bigcapital positions itself as an open-source alternative to Intuit QuickBooks. It strives to offer a complete solution for business needs with features including invoicing, financial reporting, inventory management, and collaboration capabilities. Although the program has attracted interest on websites like GitHub and Hacker News, its future goals are still unknown because there is little information about new additions and developments. The software does make an effort to offer support via its Discord channel. Weighing Bigcapital’s features and support system against the unpredictability of its future roadmap is crucial as you consider using it in your projects.

Keeping a lookout for updates from the Bigcapital team can provide valuable insights into the software’s potential growth and suitability for your business.



Luke Wilson

Licensed healthcare provider and entrepreneur. I write about business and programming.