Analyzing my Google Photos library with python and pandas

Najeem Muhammed
6 min readJul 28, 2020


I have been backing up almost all of my images in Google Photos for almost 10 years now. I have always been wondering, what kind of interesting information I can unearth if I can download the EXIF data of all those images into a data analysis tool like a Pandas Dataframe.

After few hours of research and experimenting, I achieved more than what I initially planned. This post is me trying to write it down for myself and anyone who is interested in doing the same.

Intended Audience

Some expertise in python, pandas and virtual environments is preferred. If you’re not an expert, can still follow along, but you may need a little more googling around.

A Brief Overview

I figured that I need to create an app in Google Cloud Console, let this app access my Google Photos data and download and analyze this data. Below are the main steps which I took.
1. Create an app in Google Cloud Platform and enable Google Photos API in the app.
2. Set up and download credentials of the newly created app.
3. Use the above credentials in python code to run the app and connect to my Google Photos account.
4. Download the data.
5. Load the data into a Pandas Dataframe.
6. Analyze the data.

Details of each step as follows

Step 1: Creating an app in Google cloud Platform

Head to Google Cloud Console dashboard and click Create Project button and create a new project.

Create a project

Now you need to enable Google Photos API in this project. Use the navigation menu to browse to APIs & Services and Library.

Navigate to API Library

In the new page, search for Photos Library API and click Enable. You may get a warning saying to use this API, you may need credentials and you need to create one. That’s our next step.

Step 2: Create and download credentials

There is one more step before creating the credential. That is to configure a consent screen for our app when it tries to access our (or someone else’s) data. You may be familiar with this page if you have authenticated any app to access your data in Google account.

Navigate to APIs & Services > OAuth Consent Screen.

Select External and click Create. The only info we need to fill in the new page is the ‘Application Name’. The rest we can leave blank for now.

Now it’s time to create the credentials. Navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials and click Create Credentials at the top of the screen and select OAuth client ID. Select Desktop app and provide a name.

Once you’ve created an OAuth credential, you can download a json file with the OAuth Client ID. Save it as credentials.json. We will use this file in our python script.

Step 3: Let’s write some python code

I have created a github repo with all the code used in this article. I’d recommend to create a virtual env to install the dependencies. Use the requirements.txt in the github repo to install the dependencies. I wrote the code in a Jupyter Lab. This makes the interactive data analysis all the more convenient.

The first part of the code is connecting to the API

Running this code for the first time will pop up a browser window which will ask your permission to grant access to your Google Photos data to the app you just created. It will warn you that this app has not been verified by Google. and proceed only if you trust the developer. I guess you can trust yourselves and grant access to the app. Once you grant this access, the access token will be saved in a filetoken.pickle. You can reuse this file to connect to the service the next time.

Ultimately, this code will create a resource (google_photos) for interacting with the API. In the next step, we’ll use this resource to extract info from the API.

Step 4: Download the data

Now that we have connected python in our system and our Google Photos data through the API, we’re all set to download the data. Below code will iteratively download mediaItem (photo/video) information using the API. You can find more about the API here.

It may take a few minutes to query the whole library. All the data will be stored in the list items. The data will be in a nested dict format. A typical data item will look as below.

'id': 'xxxx',
'productUrl': '',
'baseUrl': '',
'mimeType': 'image/jpeg',
'mediaMetadata': {
'creationTime': '2020-07-12T22:56:54Z',
'width': '3265',
'height': '4898',
'photo': {
'cameraMake': 'Canon',
'cameraModel': 'Canon EOS 550D',
'focalLength': 154,
'apertureFNumber': 5.6,
'isoEquivalent': 160
'filename': 'IMG_1229.JPG'

Now, let’s convert this into a pandas dataframe.

Step 5: Loading Data into Pandas

We can directly convert the items list into a dataframe. However, since some of the data is nested, we need to further split the column into more columns. The following code will achieve this.

Now the photos dataframe will contain the data that we are interested in.

If you check the dtypes of this dataframe, you can see that some of the data are not in the format we would like them to be. If you check photos.dtypes here’s how the output will look like.

id                  object
productUrl object
baseUrl object
mimeType object
filename object
creationTime object
width object
height object
video object
apertureFNumber float64
cameraMake object
cameraModel object
focalLength float64
isoEquivalent float64
dtype: object

As you can see, some of the data types are not in the format we want them to be. Let’s fix them.

Since we’ve done so much work to get this data, it will be wise to save it to the disk in some form. I used to_hdf function of pandas dataframe to save it to the disk.

photos.to_hdf('google_photo_data.hdf', key='photos')

Now let’s analyze the data!

Step 6: Data Analysis

Finally! We’re ready for some fun!

Let’s get some info out of this dataframe. What I’m doing here may not be what you’re looking for, however, the following code snippets will give you some idea on what can be achieved.

If you have photos from different time zones, you may have to do some investigations here as the data may not be showing the local time and instead showing the time from your current time zone.

Displaying image from Google Photos in the Jupyter Notebook

You can also display any image from your library inside a Jupyter notebook using the IPython.display.Image notebook function. We will have to get the baseUrl of the image that we want to display. However, the baseUrl becomes outdated after 1 hour. So we need to get the updated baseUrl every hour. I wrote a small helper function to get the updated baseUrl and display the image.

Since every call to the API will eat away from your quota for the day, it’s wiser to limit the number of calls.

More analysis

There is a lot more that can be done, but I hope you get the idea!

Closing thoughts

A lot more analysis can be done with the data that we have extracted. Since Google does not store the whole EXIF data, a lot of info is unavailable. If you have maintained your own archive of images, you can use tools like Exiftool to extract the EXIF data and create a pandas dataframe out of that. The rest of the process will be similar to what is shown here.

I would also like to convert this analysis as a web tool hosted on Google cloud which produces a nice infographic at the end of analysis.

I’m curious to know what kind of interesting stats you unearthed from your Google Photos collection.

