Andrew Yang Is Winning Social Media

The precedent this could set for elections moving forward

The Startup


Elections tend to have a pretty understandable formula. You use ad’s to attack your opponent, you make big plays at debates and street marketing. As a young voter, I have really only lived to see and understand what I am watching when it comes to a few different elections. The first election I remember was in 2008. Back then YouTube, much like it is today, was full of conspiracy videos about which president was the antichrist and who was going to ruin the country. Social media for as long as I have lived has always played some role in the election, but it has never made a vital to the actual election. But, what if we are starting to see a different kind of trend in politics? What if we are going to see the landscape for reaching voters change dramatically over the next few election years. What if social media will be how the next presidential candidate wins?

Andrew Yang’s strategic play

Andrew Yang a democratic candidate for the 2020 election has been playing a very interesting game to reach his demographic. Yang has been using social media to reach the heart of people to get them to vote for him. Yang has been using platforms like social media to garner attention. During his last debate, he garnered more twitter…

