Anti-Palestinians are anti-Semitic as well, do your homework!

Basem Dabbour
8 min readJun 15, 2021


If anti-Zionists are anti-Semitic, then anti-Palestinians are anti-Semitic as well, yes it is not new information, and yet it is shocking and surprising right!. So no more bullshit.

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Recently, I attended many discussions between Palestinians and Israeli on clubhouse and other podcasts, also had the chance to open a discussion with many pro-Israeli in order to share and listen, however the most said word was “anti-Semitic, you are anti-Semitic..”, was an answer/judgment on any comment that criticise Israeli colonial project and the apartheid government, and obviously this will shut down any potential debates or discussions and attempts to address and solve the problem, especially with the current of harsh rules against any “critical content”.

It sound ridiculous to put out a reverse engineering argument on the table, especially that we are living in the 21th century!, thus i spent some weeks to do a small research to support the argument before writing this article.

If anti-Zionists are anti-Semitic, then anti-Palestinians are anti-Semitic as well, yes it is not new information, and yet it is shocking and surprising right!. So no more bullshit, this article aims to put out an argument backed up by many sources and explain due to cultural heritage, historians, science literature and Health, what Semitic actually is in the first place and who is considered as Semitic people before talking about antisemitism and prejudgments. Yes I am not expert in any of related field but I did my homework and. breaking down basics first for others likewise and share it!.

What is Semitic and who are the Semitic people?

In ancient history, the term “Semite” included Arabs, Assyrians, the Akkadians of Babylonia, the Canaanites, Aramean tribes, certain groups in Ethiopia, and the Hebrew tribes. Most Semitic groups were nomadic and traveled throughout the Arabic peninsula. By 2,500 BC they had migrated as far as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Mediterranean coastline. Contemporary Semitic people are primarily Hebrews and Arabs. [source]

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By 1855, the French scholar Ernest Renan, one of the pioneers of Semitic philology, wrote complaining: “We can now see what an unhappy idea Eichhorn [sic; should be Schlozer apud Eichhorn] had when he gave the name of Semitic to the family of Syro-Arab languages. This name, which usage obliges us to retain, has been and will long remain the cause of a multitude of confusions.

“I repeat again that the name Semite here [Renan is referring to his pioneer study on Semitic philology] has only a purely conventional meaning: it designates the peoples who have spoken Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic or some neighboring dia­lect, and in no sense the people who are listed in the tenth chapter of Genesis as the descendants of Shem, who are, or at least half of them, of Aryan origin.”. [source]

Who are the Aryans?

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There is no doubt about the easternmost subfamily, which consists of the languages of Iran and the Sanskritic languages of India. To these, the name Aryan or Indo‑Aryan is commonly applied. This word, which occurs in both old Persian and Sanskrit, has the meaning of noble — a common enough way for peoples to designate themselves. The name Iran, in the ancient form Eryana, means the land of Aryans. The Sanskrit form Arya was used from early times to de­signate the worshipers of the Brahmanic gods. Its extension to cover all the Indo-European languages was a misuse of terms.

Source of the Germans and French about Semitic philosophic studies for more informations:

During an Interview with Zuheir Muhsin, a member of the PLO Executive Council, published in the March 31, 1977, edition of the Dutch Newspaper “Trouw” — “Wij zijn alleen Palestijn om politieke reden,” James Dorsey, Trouw, 31 March 1977:

The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva, and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan. “Wij zijn alleen Palestijn om politieke reden,” James Dorsey, Trouw, 31 March 1977. [source]

Pro-Israeli are quoting what Muhsin said to support their colonial project and ethnic cleansing, this will lead us to one simple question: Are the Palestinians Semitic?

Are the Palestinians Semitic?

YES!. Palestinians are Semites.

Source — DNA studies: Haaretz — Israel News, Saturday, December 15, 2018.
Tevet 7, 5779 Time in Israel: 11:00 PM

Science & Health:

Several major studies published in the past five years attest to these ancient hereditary links. At the forefront of these efforts are two researchers: Harry Ostrer, professor of pediatrics and pathology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York, and Karl Skorecki, director of medical and research development at the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa. Back in June 2010, and within two days of each other, the two scientists and their research teams published extensive analyses of the genetic origins of the Jewish people and their Near East ancestry.

“The closest genetic neighbors to most Jewish groups were the Palestinians, Israeli Bedouins, and Druze in addition to the Southern Europeans, including Cypriots,” as Ostrer and Skorecki wrote in a review of their findings that they co-authored in the journal Human Genetics in October 2012.

The sample 652,000 gene variants from each of 237 unrelated individuals from seven Jewish populations: Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Italian, Turkish, Greek, and Ashkenazi. These sequences were then compared with reference samples from non-Jews drawn from The Human Genome Diversity Project, a global database of genetic information gathered from populations across the world.

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Blood Brothers: Palestinians and Jews Share Genetic Roots, Jews break down into three genetic groups, all of which have Middle Eastern origins — which are shared with the Palestinians and Druze.

Source — Josie Glausiusz, Blood brothers: Palestinians and Jews share genetic roots.

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“Antisemitism is the hatred of Jews only”. Well, this is not true, not only Jews are Semitic, Palestinians, Arabs and many more are also Semitic, so when the new prime minister of Israel “Naftali Bennett” who represents the people of Israel doesn’t mind killing all Arabs as he said before, and I quote:

“I’ve Killed Lots Of Arabs In My Life And There’s No Problem With That”

And nowadays many Jews extremists are protesting in Jerusalem with slogans such as “death to all Muslims, death to all Arabs”, how these groups are different than the Muslim brotherhoods and extremists? they have many things in common such as using religions to cover and justify their actions against others. However, if you flag Hamas as a terrorist organization, then you have to do the same to Jewish brotherhoods. Some of the pro-Israeli will flag this as islamophobic despite the words are to kill all Semitic Arabs with the existence of ethnic and religious diversity in the Arab region (Muslims, Christians, and Jews), thus this claim is revised. Is not this antisemitic action as well?. This is clearly anti-Semitic hatred of not only Palestinians but also all Arabs as per many studies presented in this article, that’s why anti-Arab/anti-Palestinian is anti-Semitism as well due to the same analogy presented by pro-Israeli and jew extremists.

Should we discuss what is the definition of Semitic? or the international communities need to stop preserving the media propaganda and start thinking, by reading and understanding what has been said out of due respect to the recipient’s mind.

To continue with the argument, In ancient history, the term “Semite” included Arabs, Assyrians, the Akkadians of Babylonia, the Canaanites, Aramean tribes, certain groups in Ethiopia, and the Hebrew tribes. Most Semitic groups were nomadic and traveled throughout the Arabic peninsula. By 2,500 BC they had migrated as far as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Mediterranean coastline. Contemporary Semitic people are primarily Hebrews and Arabs.” [source]

In the end, Palestinians actually are Semites, like the other Arabs, and like Jews and like Ethiopians. In usual language, “anti-Semitic” means “anti-Jewish”. For some reason, people avoid saying “Jewish”. Maybe it is modesty, I don’t know.

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To finish this argument,

All humans are Semitic, yes! killing people or setting up a colonial apartheid project to discriminate and uproot one people for another group of settlers is also anti-Semitic according to our bright history, science and culture!. I guess the Semitics nowadays on earth is fighting against each other’s to win the Semitic got talent reward price for being more Semitic than other Semitics comrades and fellow humans, as they are/we are the center of the universe.

So to build on that as well, we should also say:

Anti-Palestinians is Anti-Semitic, do your homework

Anti-Syrians is Anti-Semitic

Anti-Arab is Anti-Semitic

Anti-Kurds is Anti-Semitic

Anti-Deutsch is Anti-Semitic

Anti Muslims is Anti-Semitic

Anti Christianity is Anti-Semitic

Anti Buddhism is Anti-Semitic

And the list goes on …



Basem Dabbour

Data Science, Information Technology, Blockchain enthusiast. Instagram:, LinkedIn: