Anybody Can Write Code

Andrew Lundy
The Startup
Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2020

It’s that simple. Anybody can write code. Anybody can learn a computer language and use that language to work on something they love, build a product to start a business or enhance their life in many different ways. And here’s the thing — you don’t need an expensive college degree to become a programmer.

If you don’t believe me, let me briefly take you back to when I first became interested in programming. Then, I’ll talk about some tips I’ve gathered along the way that I believe anybody can use to learn how to write code. If you want to skip my personal story and just read the tips, please feel free — I’m not offended.

I was 13 years old when I was introduced to HTML and CSS. I knew nothing about code but was immediately hooked and started building simple static websites by looking up “how to do something in HTML/CSS.” I’d read an article and look at an example of code, then use that in my own text editor and edit accordingly. Long story short — through high school, I continuously repeated the “Google whatever it is you’re trying to do in whatever language you’re using” process and taught myself JavaScript, Bootstrap, and WordPress. With these skills, I constructed an online portfolio for my web development work and started freelancing once I graduated high school. A few years after, I decided I wanted to build iOS applications — so, once again, I repeated the Googling process and learned the Swift programming language. I used my mobile development skills to land a contract at Microsoft and now I’m going through the same process again with C# and game development. So, is learning how to code really as easy as I just made it sound?

Let me first say that it took me a total of 10 years (13–23 years old) of self-learning, tinkering, building, failing and stumbling to land a contract with a major company. That being said, everybody’s process is different and I went through a two year period where I was stuck in what I call a “tutorial trap.” This is where someone gets stuck in a loop of doing a bunch of tutorials and not building their own projects. Whether you want to build an app, create a video game or gain a new skill to make a career change — you can teach yourself how to code. Here are some lessons I’ve learned along the way.

1. Test the waters, then focus on one thing.

When learning how to code, I encourage you to look into the different types of work that involve programming before diving in. Different types of programming jobs/projects (these can be done as a full-time employee, freelancer/contractor or as a service provided through your small business) include software engineering, web development, mobile app development, embedded systems programming, data science, game development, DevOps development, and more*. Once you find something you like, stick to that thing and learn it deeply.

2. Work on something you’re drawn to.

It’s important to work on something that interests you. That’s why you must test the waters. If web development was the first type of programming you were introduced to, but you really wanted to build VR applications — then focus on what you’re drawn to. Go with what you’re interested in and enjoy the process of doing that thing. Instead of focusing on improving the things you hate/aren’t naturally inclined to, focus on what you truly like doing.

You will succeed in the things that you have fun doing.

3. Don’t get stuck in a tutorial trap, actually build something.

Learning how to code can be an insanely daunting process, and in that process you sometimes need help. One of the great powers of the internet is that it has truly changed the way humans access information. We are able to learn from a slew of programming tutorials for literally any topic you can think of, and a lot of them are free. If you need to look up tutorials on something specific, please do so. But I warn you, do not get stuck doing a bunch of tutorials without building projects of your own. I did this for literally two years and wasted so much time. Your hand can only be held so long before you have to cross the street on your own. Building your own project can be scary, but I guarantee you’ll learn more from doing that than any tutorial.

4. Google the shit out of any error messages, concepts or questions you have. There is always an answer.

When learning how to code, Google is your best friend. Seriously. If you have any errors in your code — Google the error message. If you want to know how to do something in a certain language, Google “how to do something in random language.” If you want to learn the basics of Unity, Google it. If you can learn to use Google and navigate the answers provided from your search terms (Stack Overflow* is a great resource), you will be able to learn a lot on your own.

5. Reach out to the community.

If you do get stuck, the programming community is very apt to help beginners. Reach out on platforms such as Stack Overflow, Slack channels*, Quora or Reddit. In my experience, I usually receive an answer within an hour or two of asking a question, but sometimes it can be up to the next day. Either way, the fellow programming community will usually be able to help you out and sometimes give you a new perspective on concepts.

6. Believe you can do it.

A place that a lot of people fall short is with their mindset. At the beginning of your programming journey, you’re not going to know anything. In order to get to wherever you want to be, you have to believe you can actually get there. It’s a daily process of telling yourself that you can do what you’ve set out to do. You may have to continually encourage yourself about your vision, but keep it at the forefront of what you do, and you will get there.

7. Just keep going.

Here’s the key. You’re going to want to give up. Programming is the hardest thing I’ve ever learned to do, but it’s also the most satisfying. There have been times where imposter syndrome* sets in and I don’t believe I am a true programmer. My honest advice is that you just have to keep going. Understand that you will never know everything about programming and that it’s an ever-changing journey. It may take you some time before you land your first client or get your first developer job, but the universe is a binary mechanism and you will get what you work for. What I mean by this is that the universe will only output the result of the variables that you insert into the equation. If you learn how to code and continually work on your craft, you will see the reward; both intellectually and financially. It’s just a matter of time.

The universe is a binary mechanism. It will only output the result of the variables that you insert into the equation.

Thanks for reading, and happy coding!

Follow me on Twitter.

Credits: 19 Types of Developers Explained, 9 Types of Programming Jobs, 9 Programming Careers for Coding Connoisseurs, Stack Overflow, The Full List of 400 Slack Communities, Why Do Software Developers Suffer From Imposter Syndrome?

