API Rate Limiting 101

Suraj Shende
5 min readSep 25, 2023


Learn the Essentials of API Rate Limiting to Keep Your Applications Running Smoothly

What is Rate Limiting?

Rate limiting is a technique used to control the number of requests a client (a user or application) can make to a server within a specified time frame.

Think of an API as an ATM machine, and API requests as people withdrawing cash from it. The bank imposes a rate limit on how many transactions can occur in a given time frame (e.g., withdrawals per minute). If too many people try to withdraw money simultaneously, the ATM may restrict access to maintain security and service availability. Rate limiting in this context ensures that the ATM functions smoothly and prevents potential issues due to excessive demand.

Why Do We Need Rate Limiting?

Imagine a scenario where a website doesn’t have rate limiting. A single user or a malicious bot could flood the server with hundreds of requests per second, making it slow or unresponsive for everyone else. Rate limiting prevents such abuse.

Additionally, consider a scenario where you want to provide different levels of service to users based on their subscription tiers. For instance, paid users might be entitled to more processing power and resources, while free users should have limited access. Rate limiting enables you to enforce these tier-based restrictions, ensuring that each user group receives the appropriate level of service without overloading the server.

How Does Rate Limiting Work?

Rate limiting sets predefined rules for how many requests a client can make in a given time period. The two main components are:

  1. Rate Limit: This defines the maximum number of requests allowed within a specific time frame, like 100 requests per minute.
  2. Time Window: The duration during which the client can make the specified number of requests.

Imagine you have a library card, and the library has a “checkout limit” policy in place. This policy states that you can borrow a maximum of three books for a two-week period. This is similar to rate limiting in web applications.

Here’s how the analogy translates:

  • Rate Limit (Checkout Limit): Just as a library sets a maximum limit of three books, rate limiting defines the maximum number of requests a client can make to a server within a specific time frame.
  • Time Window (Two Weeks): In the library scenario, you have two weeks to borrow and read those three books. In rate limiting, the time window specifies the duration during which the client can make the specified number of requests, such as one minute.

Now, think about it this way: If you borrow all three books from the library at once, you’ve reached your checkout limit. You can’t borrow more until you return one or more books. Similarly, if a client reaches its rate limit within the defined time window, it can’t make additional requests until that time window resets. This helps prevent excessive traffic and ensures fair access to resources on the server.

Implementing Rate-Limiting Strategies

Now that you understand the concept of rate limiting, let’s delve into some common strategies for implementing it effectively.

1. Token Bucket Algorithm

The token bucket algorithm is a classic approach to rate limiting. Picture it as an actual bucket that gets filled with tokens over time. Each token represents permission to make one request. When a client wants to make an API request, it must possess a token from the bucket. If tokens are available, the request is granted, and a token is consumed. If the bucket is empty, the request is denied until more tokens are added over time.

This algorithm allows for bursts of requests as long as there are enough tokens in the bucket to accommodate them. It’s a flexible approach that allows for occasional traffic spikes without compromising overall rate limits.

2. Leaky Bucket Algorithm

The leaky bucket algorithm, unlike the token bucket, enforces a steady rate of requests. Imagine a bucket with a small hole at the bottom. Requests come in at irregular intervals, and the bucket can only hold a limited amount of water (representing requests). If the bucket overflows, excess requests are discarded.

This method is useful for maintaining a consistent, predictable rate of requests, preventing sudden spikes that could overwhelm the server. It’s particularly effective for scenarios where you want to ensure a smooth and consistent flow of traffic.

3. Sliding Window Algorithm

The sliding window algorithm is another popular approach to rate limiting. It involves maintaining a sliding time window of a fixed duration. Within this window, a counter keeps track of the number of requests made by a client. As requests come in, the counter increments. If the counter exceeds the allowed rate limit within the window, subsequent requests are denied until the window slides forward and reset the counter.

This strategy provides more fine-grained control over rate limiting, allowing you to adjust the rate on a per-second, per-minute, or per-hour basis. It’s often used when you need precise control over request rates and want to prevent clients from “bursting” requests within a short time frame.

4. Adaptive Rate Limiting

Sometimes, it’s essential to adapt rate limiting dynamically based on server load or client behavior. Adaptive rate-limiting algorithms monitor server performance and adjust rate limits accordingly. For example, during periods of high server load, the rate limit may be lowered to protect server resources. Conversely, when the server is underutilized, the rate limit can be increased to allow more requests.

This adaptive approach ensures your system remains responsive and available even during traffic spikes or unusual load patterns.


Rate limiting is a crucial tool for maintaining the stability, security, and fairness of your APIs. It prevents abuse, ensures predictable performance, and allows you to offer tiered services to different user groups.

This article was originally published on https://roadtocode.substack.com/p/api-rate-limiting-101

