App Localization in Swift — iOS Swift Guide

7 steps to Localize your iOS Apps

Baptiste Montagliani
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJul 16, 2020


In this article, you’ll learn how to prepare your App to support multiple languages, including resources translation, regional numeric formats, regional calendar support, and much more.

How to Localize your iOS App?

Localizing your App is not just adding support of translation. It includes adapting your App Interface to support language and regional specificities. That includes supporting different time zones, regional numeric formats, dates, measurement units, etc. All countries don’t use the same type of calendar to show date and time, some countries use the mile system, others the metric system and so on for the other units.

All these differences have to be taken in account while developing your apps, as part of the Internationalization process, and even during the design stage, as a globalized User Experience design.

1. Add localization files to your Xcode project

