Appium with iOS Simulator/iOS Real Device setup for successful Mobile Automation

Fixing common errors while setting up WebDriverAgent-Runner

The Startup


Photo by Tyler Lastovich on Unsplash

Dear Bug Hunters!

Mobile Automation is getting more popular everyday. Appium is one of the most popular tools for Mobile Automation. Configuring iOS simulator/real device to run your tests and inspect elements can be confusing and time consuming to finally make it work.

In this article i will explain step by step how to do full configuration for Appium to be able to run tests on simulator/real device and also provide some workarounds for common errors that you might face while configuring it.

I hope it will save your time:)


Assuming you have npm, node, xCode and homebrew installed, if not — please install them

  1. Install Appium using the following command:
  • npm install -g appium

2. Install carthage using the following command:

  • brew install carthage

3. Install CocoaPods

  • brew install cocoapods

4. Open your project in xCode

