Apple Now “Threatens” To Delete Twitter From Its App Store, Elon In Panic Mode

Elon vs Apple: Will Apple finally wreck Twitter?

Jano le Roux
The Startup


Tim Cook vs Elon Musk.
Illustration by author

Apple is miserably tired of Elon Musk.

  • It pulled most of its ads off of Twitter.
  • Its ad agency advised against using Twitter Ads.
  • And it just threatened to remove Twitter from the App Store.

So basically, the biggest company in the world just took on the richest man in the world.

And boy did Apple get close to a ruthless reaction back from Elon!

Elon just got Appled

Since April 2022 when the Twitter deal became public, I’ve been warning that this might happen.

Now it happened.

According to Elon, Apple just threatened to remove the Twitter app from its App Store.

Apple clearly isn’t a fan of Twitter’s free speech policies. They have always had a very strong moderation focussed take on things.

Apple has also been mostly left-leaning with its policies. And that has left many conservatives unhappy with its strict moderation on more central and right-leaning platforms.



Jano le Roux
The Startup

An award-winning marketing consultant who helps high-growth brands craft marketing that doesn’t feel like marketing. Open for work——Join me ⤵️