Apple’s Latest Greenwashing Stunt

Why Apple’s eco-friendly claims for not shipping adapters and earphones with the iPhone 12 is shrewd and misleading.

Lance Ng
The Startup


Image credit: velo_city on Flickr

In 1986, when environmentalist Jay Westerveld was still in college, he coined the term “greenwashing” to describe “the process of conveying a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company’s products are more environmentally sound”.

Apple’s latest statement on why it is shipping the new iPhone 12 without power adapters and earphones fits this exact definition. It sounded so convincing that some environmentalists were even praising the move.

But a closer examination of the facts reveals the truth — Apple is just simply trying to make more money from iPhone buyers by doing this.

How so?

Paying more for less

Without free adapters and earphones in the iPhone 12 packaging, Apple will be saving a lot on shipping costs.

“…Apple says it will be able to fit 70% more iPhones onto a shipping pallet.”

— “Sustainability experts welcome Apple’s move to scrap iPhone accessories”, CNBC

Aww… so shipping costs could go down by 70%, on top of the savings from adapters and…

