Are Containers Still Relevant?

In 2021, do serverless, PaaS, and no-code solutions make containers obsolete?

Peter Christian Fraedrich
The Startup


ISO shipping containers all rusted out and shit
Photo by OSG Containers on Unsplash

When sitting down to start a new project, or figuring out a road map for an existing one, the options for actually running your workloads have never been more wide open. Admittedly, we live in an era where we are spoiled for choice when it comes to platforms; between open-source tools, paid services, enterprise offerings, and everything else available. This has made selecting the tools we use a bit more difficult as the chances of being paralyzed by choice grow with the number of choices available. With the growing number of options available to us these days its only fair to ask the question: are containers still a viable route for now and the future, or have we grown beyond them? To answer this lets take a look at our options and see how they compare to containers.


The next logical step from containers is serverless. Services like AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions make running serverless applications easy, especially ones that are inherently event-driven. Combine this ease of operations with application frameworks like the Serverless Framework and you have a simple, developer-focused workflow that enables you to go from idea to production in very little time. This can be a great workflow…



Peter Christian Fraedrich
The Startup

Entrepreneur, software developer, writer, musician, amateur luthier, husband, dad. All opinions are my own.