Photo by James Pond on Unsplash

Are You an Artist? The Crazy Conflict Between Making Art & Making Money

John Mashni
The Startup


I am an artist.

I am in business.


Is this even possible?

Yes, of course…

But why does this concept seem odd to many people?

I practice law. But I spent 10 years before law school wanting to be an artist.

I acted.

I went to film school.

I wrote screenplays. I made and edited CDs and DVDs.

I worked in production.

Then I went to law school. I stopped writing (for a while). I stopped working on productions.

But when I learned how to be a lawyer, I brought the “artist” with me.

I still know what it is like to create something.

I still remember what it is like to “give birth” to a creative project ‒ to put your entire mind and soul into something ‒ to have a passion that does not go away, even if you create, and write, and build something.

I know what it is like to sit and wait in anticipation when you show your creation — your art — to someone. You hope that the audience loves the art — your art — as much as you do. You hope, deep down, that someone thinks your art is…



John Mashni
The Startup

I only write about what I have done: no theory. Writer, Attorney, Entrepreneur, Movie Producer, and more… the ONLY 3 ways to reinvent: