Are You Banging Big on [Imaginative] Creativity to Make $$$$ Writing Online? Don’t.

Do this instead

Aldric Chen
The Startup


A young girl in a daze.
Don’t get sucked into the giant ‘creativity’ hell-hole. Doesn’t help. Photo by Andra C Taylor Jr on Unsplash

The origin of this article is a question.

“How do you get to a point of continuous creativity? What do you do to stay creative for your writing?”

It’s a fair question but a weird one.

It is weird because it came from a fellow Medium writer I respect.

I recently sat down with Michael Lim for his podcast. We went where he wanted. One of the questions he fired at me right at the gun was the above.

It got me thinking.

‘Creativity’ is a tough one

If you are thinking about producing something out of nothing — You are out of luck.

And I suspect many online writers think about the same thing when the word ‘creativity’ crosses their minds. Something original. Something mindblowing. Something utterly unique.


Such moments are hard to come by.

Here’s my heartfelt message to you.

First, drop your expectations about absolute originality and uniqueness when you write. Yes, drop it. And drop it immediately. It holds you back.



Aldric Chen
The Startup

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.