Are You Choosing To Be Hurt? (You Can Choose To Be Healed)

The Startup
Published in
15 min readSep 10, 2019


How can a situation in the past affect us so negatively in the present?

One can only come to full awareness of the subjects of this article through great pain and suffering. After years of telling stories of the horrible things that have happened to me, one day I just stopped. That was the day I chose healing over hurting. It doesn’t mean those things didn’t happen or that the cruelty of others was not real. It just means that I tried to see where it was coming from. After many transcendent spiritual experiences that cannot really be explained, I got to meet the ego and pain body in the flesh as it was released in me and then became more pronounced in people I knew or met on the street. While you may not have such sharp and memorable experiences (and for the sake of your sanity I surely hope not). But these things really do have to be experienced to be believed and understood. It does no good to recount those tales of terror.

Reminiscing about past hurts can further wound us. Long after arguments and disagreements have passed, do you still hold resentment? Do you blame someone for hurting you? Do you go over situations wishing you had said something different. Done something better? Done something worse? Do you hold a grudge?

Grudges act like a self-administered poison. You might feel justified in feeling anger towards someone or a group of people based on what they said or did in a moment…



The Startup

Spiritual Recovery Coach. Shamanic Practitioner. Sobriety First.