Are you doing these five things with your email newsletter?

Drive up your subscriber numbers, open rates, and click-throughs

Mike Holden
The Startup


Image via Lexica

If you opened this article because the title was interesting, you need to leverage the same tactic for your email newsletters.

Let’s talk about that, as part of five things you can do to grow your email list, jack up your open rates and increase clicks. Here we go.

Figure out the voice or tone of your email newsletter

First, you have to figure out what your voice is or what the tone of your email newsletter is going to be, and then try to stick to it. You can stray a little, but you need to establish that your emails will feel a certain way when people open them.

Then, the audience you nurture — as some people drop off the list and others join — will be one that follows you because of the way your emails make them feel. Your newsletter takes them someplace.

To help with this, you might want to think of your email as having a personality of its own. Maybe it’s one part [insert your favorite movie character here] and one part [insert a business leader who inspires you here]. As you outline your newsletter, you can start brainstorming how that character might talk about each…



Mike Holden
The Startup

Marketing leader with 20 years of experience. Dad of 6. Get ideas in the No Budget Marketing newsletter.