Are You the Author of Your Narrative or Living Someone Else’s Words?

Do not let fear or denial narrate your story

Maddie McGuire
The Startup


Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash

“How are you doing?” is a very simple and potentially loaded question. It’s usually met with falsities. “I’m good, I’m great, I’m okay.”

So whenever someone answers honestly, it’s refreshing. It’s surprising when someone will let you see their rain cloud instead of their sunshine.

I asked a friend this question recently, and instead of getting the normal brushed off “Everything’s chill, I’m grateful I’m alive.” — she didn’t mince words and revealed she felt like absolute shit.

She recently started a small creative company. She’s trying to escalate from offering her work Au Gratis to getting some paying clients.

“I felt like it was going great, but so many business owners need someone who can also do digital art or graphics. And I can’t do that. So I’m frustrated, I’m pissed, I feel like I’m wasting my time.”

I was a little shocked. A few weeks prior, she mentioned this was going to be a potential roadblock for her company. Her plan was to explore the world of digital art and integrating it into her business model.

“Oh, I thought you were going to buy the equipment and take like, an online class or…



Maddie McGuire
The Startup

Certified coach, writer, and voice-over artist. Boxed wine aficionado. Email list: