Artificial Intelligence in Construction — TechVirtuosity

Brandon Santangelo
The Startup
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2019


[Copyright : Pop Nukoonrat] ©

Revolutionizing Construction

Construction and the methods we use are crucial to our success in modern architecture. We build houses and massive structures using our computers and we harness the that processing power to create new solutions. But artificial intelligence in construction takes things to a whole new level!

It’s a tool that can help us push the boundaries further and it can do a lot to the industry as a whole. So then why haven’t we seen more innovation?

The Construction Industry is Stagnating

This isn’t to say that there hasn’t been a lot of improvements throughout the years, but construction has remained slower to adapt.

In the past we often assumed that productivity equaled larger machines and that theory worked for a while. But now days we need something more than bigger machines, we need smarter machines and solutions.

And while several other industries such as retail, medical and businesses in general have expanded, construction has fallen a bit behind. We simply need to adapt and use more technology.

But what if we had more artificial intelligence in construction? Would this technology help lead us to a utopia?

How Artificial Intelligence Helps Construction

While it’s still early on some parts, AI has proven to show some promise in reducing costs. There is also software out there known as building information modeling, or BIM for short. AI can be trained to help suggest improvements and build solutions early on.

It can also be used in risk management/mitigation, by providing safer alternatives. Construction robots are becoming more popular along with 3D printing, but add AI to it and we have a new advantage.

AI can do the things that are too risky for us to risks our lives with. While using AI in this way is still new and very early, there’s a multitude of other areas it can help in. Of course, being a young technology also brings on risks for those using the technology early on…

The Early Risks Involved

Artificial intelligence in construction is a great solution but more technology also brings on different risks that also need to be considered. Anytime technology is involved we can typically also inherent the risk of getting hacked.

If construction software or robots were to get hacked it could jeopardize an entire project. The argument is that it’s safer to have physical workers doing the actual work than to have robots or AI trying to take over. This is only partially true though.

Construction steadily accounts for 20%+ of yearly deaths at work. AI poses the risk of hackers but as it stands the death toll is high right now, without the involvement in these life saving technologies.

Hacking risks aside, AI isn’t perfect and does make mistakes too! This isn’t always the case but it’s important to recognize that mistakes happen with new technologies. The costs to implement AI could cost more money if it’s done wrong. But it’s not all bad!

[Copyright : Kittipong Jirasukhanont] ©

Machine Learning can Mitigate Risks

Machine learning is an important aspect of using artificial intelligence in construction. It allows a program to continually test and essentially “learn”. We’ve seen AI used in the field of medicine with success in the recent past which shows promise. But machine learning gives us some control.

But first, in case you didn’t know what machine learning is… It’s a method used to teach an AI how to accomplish something. It is given parameters to gauge success and failure, a way to remember the results and a way to improve the numbers. Think of it like a race car, if it crashes it fails, if it completes the course it succeeds.

Machine learning can take it a step further though. It can take that concept of the race car and find the most optimal way to complete the course, and that’s why it can be more productive than humans. We use machine learning to run thousands of trials and errors to succeed.

This makes the AI more capable than a human which is why it can benefit construction. A single person can only try so many times, whereas an AI can run tests or simulations thousands of times endlessly. Construction can benefit from an AI that can continually learn the most efficient and safest way to build or solve problems.

Machine learning can also incorporate previous knowledge in its tests, improving the outcome or immediate start of the training. As the AI grows it’ll also show us improved ways of doing things.

Smart AIs Equal Smarter Solutions

The future demands solutions that are safe, cheaper and ultimately faster. Construction is always a time sensitive task because a lot of it happens outside! The weather impacts it just as much as the efficiency of the workers doing it.

AI provides solutions that are faster and cheaper which means there is less risk of weather delaying a project. The faster a task is completed the less likely something will go wrong, in theory.

AI can help with many different areas by…

  • Providing a solution to labor shortages through the use of software automation and solutions.
  • Reducing risks to safety by spotting flaws or creating safer alternatives.
  • Actively monitoring work environments and regulations.
  • Can be used to collaborate on building plans while making smart suggestions (BIM software mentioned above).
  • Providing analytics and statistics online for clients or workers.
[Copyright : Preechar Bowonkitwanchai] ©

Artificial Intelligence in Construction Should be Embraced

We talked about a lot of the areas that AI can help with but it needs to be given the opportunity. While some companies are already using this technology, there are still many more that are not quite there.

AI can be used to help keep track of projects and to reassure clients. Whether it’s the city contracting the work or a variety of other businesses. Clients could benefit from seeing the progress online. AI has a lot of potential and even the user interface could have AI to learn what clients find most useful to view online.

In the end, AI is going to be in the future of the construction industry. Whether we want it or not, it will help push innovation forward. But what do you think? Should we use more AI or avoid using those technologies in construction? Drop a comment below!

Originally published at on September 20, 2019.



Brandon Santangelo
The Startup

I'm a writer, blogger, technician and software developer. Writing is my passion that I do on the side. I love all things technology.