Artificial Neural Nets

Louis Bademosi
The Startup
Published in
7 min readMay 7, 2020


Masterminds or Mathematics?

Source: MarTech Today

Artificial Intelligence? Machines that can think for themselves? The genesis of a post-apocalyptic dystopia?!

The term ‘Artificial intelligence’ and its many sci-fi connotations have taken the world by storm. With prospective advancements in industries from medical to military, financial to fine-art (or strange art) maybe it’s no surprise at all that the topic has developed massive amounts of attention over the years. One of the more popular machine learning techniques that have been responsible for a lot of the burgeoning hype in the industry has been the use of Artificial Neural Networks.

In this article, I would like to give a brief and summative overview of the Artificial Neural Networks we use to solve an array of the problems that we face in the world. In my initial inquisition into the subject area, I had been pleasantly surprised to find that beneath the veil of sci-fi and forebodings of an android dominated world was….well, good old maths. I hope to instil a similar feeling in you with this article. Continuing with the theme of my previous articles this one will not dive into the details of the maths but lay a conceptual foundation that could support further reading, and reference to such material will be included below.

