Asynchronous with Redux Sagas

Sophisticated Side Effect Flow Management and Testing

Jolene Langlinais
The Startup


Building an app with React can get a bit confusing when data is being shared among components and different states lead to too much complexity and difficulty. Redux is a lightweight state management tool which can be used with any JavaScript framework or library to maintain a consistent and predictable state container. By keeping the state of an application in a single global store rather than at the component level, each individual component can access any state it needs at any time regardless of the shape of the component tree, as long as it is connected to the store via Redux.

The predictable nature of Redux comes from the immutable state which never changes, as well as pure function reducers. Because reducers are functional, a commonly used middleware to handle side effect logic and asynchronous calls is redux-thunk. A Thunk allows action creators to return a function instead of an action.

While I will be assuming you have a basic understanding of React and Redux, this will be a guide into a different kind of Redux middleware for handling side effects: Redux Sagas

Skip to the walkthrough with sample code here.

Why Redux Saga?

