Audience and Wealth, Part II

Mario Gabriele
The Startup
Published in
12 min readOct 12, 2020


This is Part II in a series on Audience and Wealth. Part I focused on the problem the creators solve for consumers and the business models they use to build wealth. You can read it here. Today, we’ll close the series by discussing the following subjects:

  1. The roles creators, audience, and advertisers play
  2. Why creators should solve for co-creation, shared status, and shared wealth
  3. The emergence of new roles and new models


In 2012, researchers at the University of Oregon sought to answer a philosophical question: how do the roles we play affect our behavior? How does our perceived identity determine our actions?

Their investigation focused on 128 members of the US Army that served as both medics and soldiers. Subjects answered a range of problem-solving questions involving life or death circumstances. Though they did not believe themselves to be under any influence, they were: subtle cues in the wording of questions primed participants to view themselves as either medic or soldier. Depending on which role they subconsciously adopted, participants made radically different decisions. When playing the role of a soldier, subjects were more likely to sacrifice one life for the good of the group, subscribing to a utilitarian approach. When prompted to view the world as a…

