Automated CocoaPod releases with GitHub Actions

Andrey Volodin
The Startup
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2019

In this article we are going to quickly cover a trivial GitHub Actions setup I use for my open source Metal library Alloy to automatically publish new versions into CocoaPods trunk register.

First, we will need to grab a registration token from CocoaPods. You can get it by using the pod trunk register command.

pod trunk register -- description "GitHub Actions Token"

You will receive an e-mail with a confirmation link to confirm you are the owner of that e-mail. Once you’ve confirmed the token you can obtain it from private files using the following command:

grep -A2 '' ~/.netrc

You will see something like this:

login <>
password <TOKEN>

Copy the token you’ve got and then go to Settings of your repo:

Next, open Secrets in the side menu:

Press “Add a new secret” and create a new secret named COCOAPODS_TRUNK_TOKEN with the value of token you’ve just copied.

Setting up a GitHub Action

Okay, once you’ve done with the CocoaPods you are ready to proceed onto writing your first GitHub Action. Go to Actions of your repo and press “Set up a workflow yourself”:

And then replace the script with the following:

name: CIon:
- master

runs-on: macOS-latest

- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Publish to CocoaPod register
run: |
pod trunk push <YOURLIBRARY>.podspec

What this means is pretty clear:

  1. Our script will run on every push into master branch of a repo
  2. We will have only one build job which will run on latest macOS (you can specify macOS-10.14 for example
  3. At first we will checkout our repo using another built-in action called actions/checkout@v1
  4. We are declaring a COCOAPODS_TRUNK_TOKEN that is initialized with a secret value that we specified earlier so that nobody can access publishing even though your library and actions may be open-sourced
  5. Finally, we call our command to push library into CocoaPods register

I use this 3 steps process to publish my libs:

  1. Create a tag in the branch you are going to merge
  2. Bump a version number inside a podspec to match the latest tag you’ve created
  3. Merge branch into master and action will be triggered

Final words

We’ve just created a minimal example on how to automatically publish your libraries safely and securely. Of course you shouldn’t stop there: you can add automatic unit-test launches or more complex release pipelines into that.

If you have any questions please hit me up on Twitter.



Andrey Volodin
The Startup

Professionally bad at UIKit. Leading mobile development at @PrismaAI . ex @cocos2d