Automate Your Stock Portfolio Research With Python in 6 Minutes

Using free financial data API, which provides real-time accurate (enough) data.

The Startup


As markets increase in volatility, it’s important to keep a close eye on your investments. Close eye because you may want to sell, but also because you want to be ready in case you want to cost average and double down.

Everyone’s screaming: “buy the dip”, but when is the dip going to happen, and how will that affect your portfolio? Personally, I have been holding onto my shares, and have been looking to repurchase undervalued shares wherever possible. The best way to screen stocks is through following the news and tracking historical performance. This includes trading ratios, and peer comparison, not just stock price tracking.

For a holistic approach to picking stocks, or conducting analysis you want both the income statement and balance sheet on top of market trading statistics. From there, you have everything that you need. With a little bit of knowledge on Python, and JSON, you’ll be able to set up your own automated stock tracker in under 10 minutes. You’ll be pulling balance sheet and income statement items, as well as other key information such as a company’s CEO. Although only a couple of data points are going to be walked through, there are many other data points to explore.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash



The Startup

Investment banker, global citizen interested in the pursuit and sharing of knowledge. Inquiries to