Avoid Prop Drilling with React Context

Anna Azzam
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2021


This blog will teach you how to tidy up your React code, and avoid prop drilling using a helpful React API called Context.

What is prop drilling?

Prop drilling is the process in a React app where props are passed from one part of a tree to another by going through other parts that do not need the data, but only help in passing it through the tree.

As an example, suppose you have an application that has two themes: light mode and dark mode. Then suppose you have the following Component tree in your app:

If you wanted the Button component to know if we are in light or dark mode, often you will see a theme prop being passed from App -> Toolbar -> Button. Your code may look something like this:

This code is an example of prop drilling, as we need to explicitly pass the theme prop through every part of the component tree, even parts that…

