Avoiding “I Hate My Business Partner”

How To Avoid Common Issues In Business Partnerships

R. Shawn McBride
The Startup


Today it’ll happen again.

Today I’ll spend more time sorting out a business partnership dispute. It’s something I do almost every day at my law firm.

Today a client will owe me more money so they can sort out what they once thought was a happy business marriage.

I’d rather be working with a client to plan a new partnership the right way. One built to lesson the chances of an ugly end. One with a better chance of success.

So how do we avoid having partners call their lawyer and saying “I hate my business partner” so that they can instead call and say “I need your help with our growth”?

Well, let me show you what years of experience have shown me. They are lessons you can use today to make your next partnership stronger. Or to sure up the one you already have.

It Starts With Communication

One of the fundamental tenets of partnership is being partners. Being in something together.

Many times when partners contact me after they have a problem what do I find? I find the partners didn’t start with communication. Instead they started with miscommunication.



R. Shawn McBride
The Startup

The Planning Done Right Guy(TM) — focus: The Future of Business — host of The Future Done Right(TM) Show on YouTube. https://linktr.ee/ourshawnmcbride