AWS Amplify CI/CD: Code Lint & End-to-End Testing

Vittorio Nardone
The Startup
Published in
7 min readSep 8, 2020


After my first approach to AWS Amplify, I want to deal with the implementation of source code linters and end-to-end tests with Cypress, obviously automated in the AWS Amplify CI/CD pipeline. Let’s face up this new challenge!

Photo by Yancy Min on Unsplash

References: this is the link to the GitHub repository and this is the link to the web application related to this post.


The linter is a tool that analyzes the source code to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors and suspicious constructs — wikipedia

Linter tools allows to increase the quality of the source code. Using these tools in a CI/CD pipeline also allows to deploy an application when its source code meets certain quality levels.

The web application I created with AWS Amplify includes a React frontend and few Python lambdas in backend. For this reason I need two different tools, specific to the two technologies used.


One of the best linters I’ve had the chance to test for JavaScript is ESLint: its functions are not limited to test but it includes automatic fix of a large number of problems.



Vittorio Nardone
The Startup

Docebo Learning Analytics team leader — AWS Certified Solutions Architect — AI/ML enthusiast