Serverless Orchestration Workflows using AWS Step functions and Lambda

Sanket Bengali
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2019
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

AWS Step Functions service allows to design and execute Serverless Orchestration Workflows using Lambda functions.

First, an overview on AWS Lambda functions :

AWS Lambda is a compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers.

Lambda provides support for serverless functions that can be invoked on-demand or based on an event, and only during their invocation, compute power is used. This provides flexibility in terms of resource usages, and hence reduces costs.

Additional information on Building Lambda functions and Scheduling SSH jobs using AWS Lambda

There is a 15 mins time limitation for a Lambda function execution, and in several use-cases, the execution may need more time. Hence, using Lambda functions alone could not be a solution.

Coming back to Step functions :

AWS Step Functions allows coordination of multiple AWS services into serverless workflows.

Using Step Functions, workflows can be designed and executed that stitch together services such as AWS Lambda and Amazon ECS into feature-rich applications.

Step Functions have State Machines i.e. Workflows where each step can execute a Lambda function.

Workflows are made up of a series of steps, with the output of one step acting as input into the next.

It allows Looping, branching, wait etc. (Task Choice Wait Parallel) to design custom workflows to implement any Orchestration use-case.

It also provides function timeout, retries on fails etc.

And of course, they can be triggered based on event or scheduled using CloudWatch Events.

Here are some useful links on using Step functions :

Create a serverless workflow

Schedule a serverless workflow

Poll for Job Status (Lambda, AWS Batch)

Periodically Start a State Machine Execution Using CloudWatch Events

Supported AWS Service Integrations for Step Functions

Good blog on AWS Step functions by CloudAcademy

AWS Step functions use-cases

Using AWS Step Functions State Machines to Handle Workflow-Driven AWS CodePipeline Actions

Step functions can be used to eliminate Lambda’s time limitation by having workflows of sequential function calls.

With the combination of Step functions and Lambda, any custom orchestration use-case can be achieved.

Sky is the limit.

Using Step functions as a Backup solution

While AWS Step functions can be used to achieve any complex Orchestration use-case, one good use-case is when application backup (for large-scale, distributed systems that uses multiple AWS services) needs to be taken using custom scripts (Lambda functions) instead of using native Backup services.

Sample workflow to take backup of Neo4j and Postgres DB (in parallel)

Here is the GitHub link to download sample backup solution using Step functions and Lambda :

AWS Step functions screenshots

Step functions
Workflow details
Workflow execution
Workflow in “Running” state
Workflow successful execution
Execution event history
Workflow execution inputs and outputs
Workflow failed execution

AWS Lambda functions screenshots

Lambda functions
Lambda function details
Lambda function code
Environment variables and tags
Execution role and basic settings (memory, timeout (max. = 15 mins))
VPC network and additional options (debugging, error handling, concurrency)

With the rise of serverless computing, there are many frameworks available supporting multiple clouds. One good open-source serverless framework is serverless framework that supports vendor agnostic approach to develop serverless applications.



Sanket Bengali
The Startup

Passionate about Automation, Orchestration and Systems Integration across industry verticals