Android Application Development

Basic Skills Required to Become an Android Developer

In this article, I am gonna tell you what skills do you required to become an android developer.

Mustufa Ansari
The Startup
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2019


An Android Developer is a Software Developer who specializes in designing applications for the Android marketplace. Working as an Android developer can be extremely rewarding along with being challenging, specifically when you are an initial level developer.

Let’s break the android app development into the following parts.


The official language for Android development is Java. Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based and object-oriented. Large parts of Android are written in Java but you can also develop an android application or its packages by using other programming languages. The building block of Android development is to be skilled with the programming language. To be a successful Android developer, you’ll need to be fluent with Java across various concepts like loops, lists, variables, and control structures.


This stage fills the middle ground by combining both design sensibilities and technical coding together. This requires production skills to produce visual designs in design software and then turn them into HTML code that deals with the wonders of browser compatibilities. This requires an understanding of how browser rendering engines behave. All user interfaces are developed in android studio. You don’t have to be an expert developer to develop the UI.

3) XML

XML (Extensible Markup Language) XML is a markup language much like HTML. XML is purposely used for storing and transporting data like app settings, strings, colors used, values, etc. Knowledge of XML will help an android developer with working in the above-mentioned aspects.

4) SQL

An android developer also needs to learn the initials of SQL (structured query language) in a way to organize the databases within Android apps. SQL is a database management language for expressing queries to retrieve information from the server to the database.


Android Design patterns are commonly defined as time-tested solutions to recurring problems. Each pattern acts like a blueprint that can be customized for solving a design problem in your code during android app development.


The android back end contains all the code that drives the android app. The backend usually consists of three parts: a server, an application, and a database. A backend allows you to implement functionality such as backing up user data to the cloud, serving content to client apps, real-time interactions, etc.


Your soft or interpersonal skills are as important as hard skills. So, you have to sharpen it as much as you need to sharpen your technical skills. Mobile App Development is not a piece of Pie. To become an expert you need practice and passion. The main advantage of Android is that it is an open-source, hence users can use public libraries and frameworks available online on various platforms for a developer, and collaboration is a crucial skill that they need to acquire. You need to collaborate with marketers, designers, upper management, etc. Last but not least, a developer, either Android or IOS, needs to keep learning throughout life.



Mustufa Ansari
The Startup

📱Android/iOS Developer 🖋️ I Write For Mobile Developers 🎓 Tech Enthusiast