Bayesian Analysis for A/B Testing

Applying Bayesian methods to the difference of two proportions

Anthony B. Masters
The Startup


A common use of statistics in business is the A/B test. This type of test pits two versions of the same experience — like a website page — against one another. The research question is simple to state: which version is better?

There are a panoply of tools and guides to assist this type of testing. This article looks at Bayesian analysis for A/B testing.

The analytical core

What is a probability? That question forges a fundamental schism in statistics.

Bayesian statisticians interpret probabilities as the degree of belief about events. Our prior belief — based on almost all coins being fair — is the probability of Heads is 1/2. After flipping the coin, we update our belief with Bayes’ Theorem.

Rev Thomas Bayes wrote the theorem in 1763. (Photo: Matt Buck/Flickr)

Suppose our interest is the arithmetic difference in conversion. As alternatives, we could choose the relative difference (‘lift’) or odds ratio.

The Bayesian framework says: the difference is a random variable. Bayesian analysis has the same core:

  • Prior distribution: state our prior beliefs as a probability distribution;
  • Receive data: we collect data, relating to our unknown…



Anthony B. Masters
The Startup

This blog looks at the use of statistics in Britain and beyond. It is written by RSS Statistical Ambassador and Chartered Statistician @anthonybmasters.