Be Still

The art of taking a moment

Jenna Goldsmith
The Startup


Today was what my father called a “flustery day.”

An upset stomach caused me to be a half-hour late for work and I forgot to get a key for a client’s house — I work as a dog walker — so I had to drive all the way back to the office to get it, making me even later. I also scraped my bumper across a weirdly high curb. Nothing about this day was the end of the world, but it still left me feeling a little scattered and “blah.” Yes, that’s the technical term.

So I turned inward.

When I got home I decompressed; I did some fancy skincare, meditated, and even took a long soak in the bath. Since the day had left me feeling so frazzled, I decided the best thing to do would be to ground myself and find stillness.

Let’s take a moment.

Do this with me: Breathe in…1…2…3…4… and breathe out…1…2…3…4.

Try your best not to think about anything but your breath for just a few moments. How does it sound, the air rushing into your lungs? How does it feel, your chest and stomach rising and falling as the air fills and empties? Try not to fidget. Just be. Be still.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

