Beauty Hunting: Finding the Magic in your every day life

Jenny Bailey
3 min readDec 4, 2019


Our journey is a sacred one.

Not always filled with glitter and gold or success and accomplishments. But of heartache and struggle, trauma, and tears.

The rugged path creates stories of courage and scars to be worn after we wipe the dust off of our tattered souls.

Once we look back on it all, it really isn’t the big milestones we slave away to accomplish in our lives that leave lasting sparks of joy within our soul.

It’s the first sip of coffee in the morning, listening to your child breathe as they fall asleep at night, a sunset witnessed with a loved one, or by yourself on that trip you finally got the courage to take solo.

Jennifer Pastiloff coined this term as “Beauty Hunting”. Her book On Being Human is one of the best books I’ve read in 2019, and now that this game of mine has a name I can associate it with — it’s become a daily life changing habit.

It’s often the smallest experiences that are bypassed by people on a regular basis that make such a huge impact in our daily lives.

With people walking around staring at their phones like zombies, it’s no wonder our lack of gratitude and appreciation for life has decreased. Anxiety and depression at an all-time high, and the constant need to be doing something instead of soaking into the magic of simply being.

Many times these moments can be caught in the kitchen before the chaos of the day begins. The way the sunlight hits the dewy grass outside of the window so perfectly, it creates a picture perfect moment in nature; only for you to witness.

Sometimes it’s in the silence on the weekend when you realize you are, in that moment, exactly where you need to be, and what it took to get you there.

Bless the sacred journey.

Not for the destinations, the titles earned or the degree plaques on the wall. But for the moments in the middle that make us stop for just a minute and truly feel alive.

Slow down and Beauty Hunt often.

Catch the moments like fireflies throughout the day and watch your glimmer of hope start to ignite more often.

Self-care does not have to be these grandiose gestures of climbing Mount Everest, buying a $3,000 Peloton bike, or going to hot yoga five times a week.

Keep it simple.

So very simple that it does not even require you to change your routine.

We don’t even realize when our lives go on auto-pilot until we are beyond burnt out and ready to throw in the towel.

There is never a day without magical moments.

Becoming a Beauty Hunter has changed my life for the better and I look forward to hearing what treasures you find throughout your day.

Stop and breathe for a minute. What magical moments have you discovered so far today?

Please share below!



Jenny Bailey

Each of us has a unique story to tell, and by sharing these stories, we experience true healing.