Become Your Customer’s Spokesperson

Tools to help you learn about your customers & communicate their stories

Abhishek Chakravarty
The Startup


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“Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers”

- Seth Godin

When I first started in Product, I didn’t know much about the different techniques that User Experience researchers employed to understand customer needs, wants & behavior. For my own customer interviews, I was mostly winging them, using common sense and my notebook to record what our customers said. It’s a common problem that new Product Managers face.

Common sense is indispensable of course, but there are also some really powerful ways of understanding your customers, and more importantly, to bring that understanding to the broader team and organization.

And while Tools to understand your users and customers are aplenty, I believe there are a few tools that are pivotal and bare essentials that every Product Manager should learn about and strive to get better at.

