Before You Quit Your Dream: Ask Yourself This Powerful Question

Figuring out your alternative options may just convince you to stick with your true passion.

Nicole Linke
The Startup


sheep before a blackboard with 2+2=5 written on it
Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash

You know those inspirational mantras, don’t you?

Follow your passion. Chase your dream. Live life to its fullest.

Maybe you feel inspired when you read those. Perhaps you are annoyed. However, there is a reason why those mantras get thrown around on inspirational articles and various social media outlets alike. They convey an important message.

Chase your dream or look back at your life, asking, “what if….”

If you have already decided to follow your dream, then congratulations. You are one step ahead of the folks who are stuck in a rut, disillusioned and resentful because they are living a life they never dreamed of when they were kids.

However, chasing your dream is not all sunshine and rainbows.

Anyone, who has put in the effort to make their dreams a reality, can tell tales of sacrifices, disappointments, and fears. Often enough, one is so close before giving up.

Many people decide to quit. Others keep going, despite overwhelming feelings of frustration and anxiety.



Nicole Linke
The Startup

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