Before You Read Your Next Book, Read This.

The Startup
4 min readSep 18, 2019


Have you ever made lemonade by just looking at the lemonšŸ‹ ?

Most probably, No!

Then what makes you think that just reading a book is going to help you in any way?

It wonā€™t.

I have been reading books for a long while now and until now, I had never been able to remember more than 5% of what I had read. I felt as if those books were only wasting my time and money. I was not going anywhere! I was still the same Karan I was a few years back. Other than a few buzzwords, I had not retained anything valuable. It was like, I was trying to make lemonade by just looking at the lemons.

Well, fast-forward to today, I can retain most of what I read. Before you start reading your next book, I want you to go through this simple 4 step process. This is what has helped me get the most out of every book I read.

Note: Books cost money and time and itā€™s better to read them the right way or not do it at all. By books, I mean only non-fiction (business/strategy/self-help/etc).

Before you get started, you would need:

  1. A pen/pencil āœļø
  2. A rough paper šŸ“ƒ
  3. An Evernote Account (optional, but Iā€™d highlyā€¦



The Startup

I am into Business Strategy, Rockets, & Agri. Mail: