Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Podcast.

Jadesola Kareem
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2020
Photo by Kate Oseen on Unsplash

Podcasts are surprisingly the new big thing right now, it’s basically like an online radio. the best thing about it is that it’s completely FREE — it’s free to download, listen to, and free to start up.

Using the best free resources available, you could start your own podcast and start earning some money on the side or even full-time. There are 5 easy steps involved in starting your very own podcasts and earning some money:

Step 1: Get a catchy name and a cool cover art

For everyone to remember your podcast, you need to get a catchy name for the podcast and nice cover art. You could make your podcast cover art using a free software called Canva or if you have the money you could pay a graphic designer on Fiverr to design a cool cover art.

Step 2: Equipment and software

Photo by Leo Wieling on Unsplash

So, obviously, you need gear and software to record your podcast. If you have the budget, there are a variety of microphones you can invest in, I recommend you use the blue Snowball microphone, which is a very affordable option.

If you don’t have the budget, I recommend using a regular earpiece that has a microphone attached to it. Also, a decent laptop is necessary to edit your podcast but you could also use your iPhone to edit the podcast. There are a variety of free software you could use to record and edit your podcast like:

  • Audacity (highly recommended) for recording and editing.
  • iMovie for editing
  • Levelator for making the quality of the audio sound way better
  • Garage band for recording and editing.
  • Anchor has an editing and recording section on its platform as well as a free music library.

Step 3: Hosting and Distributing your podcast.

In order to get people to listen to your podcast, you need to distribute it to on platforms like Spotify, apple podcast, google podcasts, etc. Platforms that host podcasts for you are:

  • Podbean
  • Anchor (recommended)
  • Buzz sprout, etc.

Step 4: Monetize your podcast.

Now to the juicy part, making money from your podcast. You can earn money by:

  • Sponsorships: To get a brand to sponsor you, you need to have a good amount of listeners, about 1000 at least in order for them to be interested in sponsoring you. If you have enough listeners, some brands may reach out to you and you could reach out to them as well. Now, a platform like Anchor gets sponsorship for people and also every podcaster has a sponsorship on Anchor already, sponsored by Anchor. If you have enough listeners you could make some good money on anchor from that sponsorship.
  • Affiliate links: There are a ton of affiliate programs out there like the Amazon and Aliexpress affiliation program and Rakuten. Rakuten pays you for every referral you make and pays every 3 months, click here to sign up.
  • YouTube ads: This is for people who decide to upload their podcast recordings either in video form or audio to YouTube, and if your channel gets approved for the YouTube partnership program, you could have ads placed in your videos and earn some money. Examples of podcasts on YouTube are Impaulsive with Logan Paul, Joe Rogan Experience, etc.

Step 5: Promoting your podcast.

If you want listeners, you need to promote your podcast. You could send the links to friends and family, telling them to also share them. Also, you could pay for promotion on Instagram and Google ads if you have the budget.

Rounding Off.

Podcasts are everywhere right now and you can easily start one using the above tips

FTC: Affiliate links were placed in this article.



Jadesola Kareem
The Startup

I’m in love data science & content marketing and love to write about it.