Being Alone and Loneliness

The blessing and curse of an INFJ

Kyle Lakey
The Startup


Photo by Fabrizio Verrecchia on Unsplash

Today I woke up extremely sad. Uncomfortably so, in fact. I couldn’t, for the life of me, shake the feeling. I am generally really good at keeping my composure in difficult situations. I have also picked up an ability to separate myself from an emotion and view it objectively, so as to find a positive aspect to it and focus on that. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes my patience wears thin and this ability doesn't really shine. But today was not one of those days. I was visibly shook and people noticed.

The thing is, normally, there is a reason for an emotion. You experience something that ignites the feeling. Good or bad, its all the same procedure. But today I could not figure out what brought it on. I just had this sunken sorrow in me from the minute my eyes opened.

Now, you may have already put two and two together by looking at the title of this piece. But allow me to elaborate on some thoughts I rummaged through.

I touched on being an empath in a previous post. To take that further I’ll tell you that I am INFJ. Its one of the 16 MBTI personality types(if you didn't know). Mine is known as The Advocate, and apparently, its extremely rare(even though I know 4 others personally). If you’d like some light reading check out the write up on INFJ at 16 personalities



Kyle Lakey
The Startup

Just a silly goose experiencing the magic of the world with an open heart.